It's not obvious that Batch API supports dynamic redirect after finishing the job. So you could e.g. create a node during batch and redirect the user to that node edit form on batch finish.
To do you have to pass the node ID parameter to $context variable inside batch operation:
* Batch operation.
function batch_example_run($options1, $options2, &$context) {
// Code to get $node_id.
$node_id = 42;
// Passing $node_id to batch API 'finished' callback.
$context['results']['nid'] = $node_id;
Then you could use that node ID in batch `finished` callback to do the redirect:
* Batch finish callback.
* @param bool $success
* Success flag.
* @param array $results
* Array with results.
* @param array $operations
* Array with operations.
function batchFinished($success, $results, $operations) {
// Redirect to node edit page.
return new RedirectResponse(Url::fromRoute(
['node' => $results['nid']]
The tricky thing here is that it was not mentioned in the documentation so I got that only after debugging. There is also an active thread on with a request to update the documentation.